The Drummond Dynamic Plus Fund seeks to provide investors with an attractive return in a low return world by capturing market beta combined with our proven tactical asset allocation process across liquid markets such as equities, bonds, credit and alternatives. The Fund is suitable for wholesale investors.


The Fund is a global multi-asset strategy, with a return objective in excess of 8% p.a. over a time horizon beyond 5 years with equity-like volatility. The Fund is constructed using the team’s proprietary econometric forecasting of long-term asset class returns. The investment team overlays its tactical market views to manage downside risks and add value when the opportunity presents.


Multiple sources of return

Diverse mix of asset classes across global geographies


Multiple time horizons

Long term market beta, short term tactical considerations, market mis-pricing & portfolio hedging


Active management

The fund is actively managed to take advantage of long term market returns whilst utilising investment diversity and portfolio hedging to smooth investment outcomes


Experienced investment team

Fund is managed by a highly experienced team of 4 portfolio managers with an average of 19 years industry experience

How does the Fund fit in portfolios?

An Alternative Asset Allocation

The Fund can replace an existing allocation to alternative assets and hedge funds as part of a total investment solution. Unlike many alternative funds, it is liquid and transparent.

A Satellite Investment to a Core Portfolio

As the Fund is designed with a higher risk and return profile than some core portfolio holdings, it can be used as an investment satellite that compliments the lower risk core portfolio.

A Diversified Total Investment Solution

The Fund invests across major global assets classes and is actively managed. It can be a whole of wealth investment solution for wholesale investors wanting to achieve attractive returns with active risk management.


Performance as at February 2025
Dynamic Plus Fund

Source: Drummond Capital Partners, Interactive Brokers. *Performance from 1/2/21 to 31/7/21 is based upon a separate account managed under the same strategy and similar fee structure. The Drummond Dynamic Plus Fund (ABN 69109453831) commenced 1 August 2021 and performance from this date on is based upon fund returns not the separate account. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Performance reported is net of fees.

Wholesale Fund Material: The material contained about the Drummond Dynamic Plus Fund (“Fund”) has been prepared and is issued by Drummond Capital Partners Pty Ltd (ACN 622 660 182) AFSL No. 534213 (“Manager”). Figures referred to are unaudited. The content is not intended to provide advice to investors or take into account an individual’s financial circumstances or investment objectives. This is general investment advice only and does not constitute advice to any person. Neither Manager nor the Fund’s Trustee (Evolution Trustees Limited ACN 611 839 519, AFSL No 486217 (“Evolution”) guarantee repayment of capital or any rate of return from the Fund. Neither Evolution nor the Manager gives any representation or warranty as to the reliability, completeness or accuracy of the information contained. Investors should consult their financial adviser in relation to any material. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Investors should consider any offer document of the Fund and any other material published by the Manager or Evolution in deciding whether to acquire units in the Fund. This information is available by contacting the Manager at

How to Invest

To invest in the Drummond Dynamic Plus Fund, wholesale investors can follow the following steps.


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Open and complete

Investments can be made directly to the Fund Administrator (Apex Fund Services). To submit your online application, please complete the Online Application Form for new investments above. Identification documents will need to be provided as part of the online application process that will be submitted to the Fund Administrator.