An actively managed, semi-liquid managed account for private markets.
This SMA for wholesale investors creates a simple solution for advisors wishing to enhance their offering to high-net-worth clients by diversifying away from listed securities.
Real assets are attractive for their income and capital growth potential
With a strong regulatory tailwind, private debt offers regular income and reduced volatility
Private equity can produce superior risk-adjusted returns
The Drummond Private Market SMA asset class allocations will change over time. However below we provide example asset class allocations and liquidity profile of the portfolio
The Drummond Private Market SMA is a concentrated, semi-liquid portfolio where underlying investment managers offer at least quarterly liquidity. Wholesale investors should consider this to be a long-term investment with a time horizon in excess of 5 years. The investment objective is to exceed the RBA cash rate +4% p.a. over this long-term horizon
The SMA will have exposure to investment managers investing across predominantly three broad asset classes: private equity, private debt and real assets.
Source: BT Panorama, LSEG Workspace and Drummond Capital Partners. Inception 1 July 2024. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The returns shown are net of investment manager fees which covers the costs of operating the managed portfolio option including responsible entity, investment advisory, custodian and administration services. The performance is also net of indirect costs which are costs incurred through its investment in underlying investments. Performance is calculated from the model portfolio within BT Panorama and as such may vary over time and vary by individual client. The RBA cash is derived from LSEG Workspace and adjusted by Drummond Capital Partners to include the +4% target performance.
Source: BT Panorama. Inception 1 July 2024. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The returns shown are net of investment manager fees which covers the costs of operating the managed portfolio option including responsible entity, investment advisory, custodian and administration services. The performance is also net of indirect costs which are costs incurred through its investment in underlying investments. Performance is calculated from the model portfolio within BT Panorama and as such may vary over time and vary by individual client.